Customer Testimonials

“You and your co-workers have my thanks and appreciation for your attention to solving this problem with care and diligence.”

R. Greenleaf
Campbell, California

“I am still astonished at the exceptional quality of your finished services.”

— H. Barraclough
Cupertino, California

“. . . the work in the garage is truly the cleanest, most professional job I have ever seen.”

— B. McCombs
San Jose, California

“. . . The work was done expeditiously and with close attention to detail . . . the plumbing work was a thing of beauty and the cost of all this work was reasonable . . . I would recommend this business to anyone who has a problem with either their domestic or radiant heating systems.”

— R. Tamm
Sunnyvale, California

“. . . I would like to express my appreciation for a job [repair of Eichler home] exceptionally well done. Your estimates were thorough and fair, your work was efficient and on time, your advice was factual and professional, and your assessment of the situation was honest and entirely lacked the “we have to re-do it all” attitude so often encountered with other contractors. Your expertise . . . and your professional integrity are impeccable.”

— K. Heinemann, Ph.D.
Sunnyvale, California

“The insurance company mailed us a check exactly as your documentation detailed. We never saw the agent! . . . My “office” never heated before but . . . it is now “toasty” with the thermostat set at 68 degrees.

“Many thanks for the excellent, expeditious, and inexpensive manner in which you solved our heating and leakage problem.”

P. Lazarus
San Jose, California

“. . . the new boiler you installed in our home . . . heats the house . . . is quiet and reliable. The installation is beautiful to behold. I show it off to visitors.” 

— D. McEwen
Palo Alto, California